Environment pollution is a much-talked topic of the present. Our life is so deeply and invariably related to environment that any pollution of it causes dangers and brings about different disasters.
Environment and ecology: Thing surrounding us are called environment. So air, water, soil, trees, plants, animals all these are elements of environment. All things that make up the environment are interrelated and this interrelation is known as ecology. Any change in this interrelation due to pollution disrupts ecological balance and cause different kinds of environment disasters.
Causes of pollution:- Environment is being polluted in a number of ways. Human beings and their unscrupulous activities are mostly responsible for all kinds of pollution occurred. Air is the most vital element of the environment. Air is being polluted by the smoke and different gases emitted from various sources. Increasing population need more fuel and more cars. So, when they clear forests for wood and burn them as fuel, and run car by burning gasoline, they create smoke. This also pollutes the air. Water, another important element of the environment is also being polluted in many different ways, mills and factories, water-vehicles, and human beings throw their waste products and rubbish in the water and thus pollute water. Insanitary latrines, chemical fertilizers and insecticides used in farmlands, drainage and sewerage lines also contribute to further pollution. We also experience sound and odour pollution. Modern life is full of machines. And different types of machines, transports and also metal works create a lot of noise and causes sound pollution. Again, due to lack of proper disposal, rubbish dumped here and there creates stinking smell causing odour pollution.
Effects of pollution:- Environmental pollution badly and seriously affects our lives. Pollution causes various health hazards. A polluted environment breeds different kinds of germs and diseases, some of which are very fatal for human lives. People not only suffer from various diseases and illness. Their normal life is also destroyed. Besides health a hazard, environmental pollution causes other harms. It causes thus environmental pollution harms both lives and nature. Today, we know that environment pollution is the major cause of global warming, and consequently climate change. And, as a consequence of global warming of climate change, the whole human race will face unprecedented calamity and danger.
Preventing pollution-: As we cannot avoid industrialization and urbanization process. And also the use of chemicals and machines in our lives, preventing environment pollution is a big challenge. However, raising awareness about how to protect environment and how to reduce pollution can be a good solution. Apart from this, we have to use environment – friendly fuels-like bio fuels or natural gas, and also environment friendly machines. Finally, environment protection laws should be severely punished.
Environment pollution is a global issue. In Bangladesh, the problem requires special attention and address because we are heading towards a disaster as our environment is now in a very adverse condition. If we want to live a healthy and peaceful life and a sound and better living, we must prevent environmental pollution and protect the environment.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Essay or Assignment on "Environment Pollution"
1:07 AM
Assignment, Assignment Biology, Assignment Environment, College Essay, School Essay, University Essay
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